4 pictures (2 cars) found: year of "2012", sub-model of "Cobra Jet", view of "interior"
Group photos by car
Picture Search Results: page 1 of 1
(from page 1 of the 2012 Collection)
Check out the racing interior. Awesome!
(from page 1 of the 2012 Collection)
Let's go for a ride!
(from page 16 of the 2012 Collection)
You have to check out this interior. At firt glance, it looks stock. Then you see the red roll cage, race shifter with line lock, five-point seat belts, big tach and shift light, extra gauges in the center console, and a whole line of toggle switches with lights.
(from page 16 of the 2012 Collection)
Check out the stitching on the seat backs.