Picture Search Results - 1979 IMSA
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1 car (2 pictures) found: year of "1979", sub-model of "IMSA", grouped by car

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Picture Search Results: page 1 of 1

(2 photos of a 1979 Pearlescent Silver Mustang IMSA Hatchback) Ford promotional photo of a Pearlescent Silver 1979 Mustang I.M.S.A. prototype designed by Ford's Special Features Studio (Ford Motorsports) with an objective of building a high performance, motorsport version of the Mustang. Elements include large 12 inch wide Gotti wheels, blanked off grille, hood louvers, rear facing shaker hood scoop, air-flow sealed headlamp trim, windows flush with outside body panels (the side windows are flip out), ten bulb rear light strip. Under the hood is a 132hp, 2.3L, turbo engine. Inside is a dark plexiglass covered instrument panel, a sport steering wheel, Recaro rally leather bucket seats. At the same time as this car was being shown, rumors of the Mustang McLaren were also out.

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